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    The personal data collected is processed, for which the company HUTCHINSON SA is responsible, in order to respond to your request for information and/or for commercial prospecting purposes. Mandatory fields to be completed are marked with an asterisk. The legal basis for the processing is your consent, which you can withdraw at any time, without this affecting previous processing. Personal data is reserved for use by the HUTCHINSON group and may only be transmitted to companies in the HUTCHINSON group and/or to commercial partners, for commercial purposes, if you have expressly consented to this. In accordance with the regulations relating to personal data, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your data, as well as the right to object to their processing. You can request the communication of your personal data and you have the right to define guidelines relating to the fate of your personal data after your death. You can also request the portability of your data as well as the limitation of their processing, and/or file a complaint with the CNIL. You can exercise your rights and ask us about the processing of your personal data by contacting us at the following email address: Learn more