Press releases


Image Hutchinson launches an innovative bipolar plate project supported by France 2030 Program for the future of fuel cells

Hutchinson launches an innovative bipolar plate project supported by France 2030 Program for the future of fuel cells


Winner of the "Hydrogen Technology Brick" call for projects under France 2030, Hutchinson is launching the OBI-1 project to accelerate the industrial advent of fuel cells. This ambitious project aims to develop innovative and cost-effective bipolar plates for the new generations of fuel cells. Thanks to Hutchinson's materials expertise, OBI-1 promises to reduce manufacturing costs and improve performance.


Hutchinson launches an innovative bipolar plate project supported by France 2030 Program for the future of fuel cells

Winner of the "Hydrogen Technology Brick" call for projects under France 2030, Hutchinson is launching the OBI-1 project to accelerate the industrial advent of fuel cells. This amb…


Couverture acoustique pour compresseur et moteur électrique

Hutchinson a conçu une solution innovante pour réduire les vibrations sonores émises par les E-compresseurs et E-moteurs.


Pose de la première pierre du futur centre de distribution allemand

Hutchinson a célébré le 11 juillet 2024 la pose de la première pierre de son nouveau centre de distribution de solutions d’étanchéité à Mannheim, en présence d’Arnaud Vaz, Directeu…